Note: The following test is applied to images, however it can be used for text, divs, spans, buttons and other elements as well
Note: To apply colors, use the colors stylesheet.

Test Image Image Description: Original Class: None

Test Image Image Description: Elliptical border Class: ellipse

Test Image Image Description: Level 1 rounded border Class: round-border-1
Test Image Image Description: Level 2 rounded border Class: round-border-2
Test Image Image Description: Level 3 rounded border Class: round-border-3
Test Image Image Description: Level 4 rounded border Class: round-border-4
Test Image Image Description Level 5 rounded border Class: round-border-5

Test Image Image Description:A solid border Class: dborder-normal
Test Image Image Description:A dashed border Class: border-dashed
Test Image Image Description: A dotted border Class: border-dotted
Test Image Image Description: A double border Class: border-double
Test Image Image Description: A ridge border Class: border-ridge
Test Image Image Description: A border with insets Class: border-inset
Test Image Image Description: A border with an outset/reverse inset Class: border-outset
Test Image Image Description: A border groove Class: border-groove

The following images have a solid border (class: border-normal).

Test Image Image Description: Thin border Class:border-size-thin
Test Image Image Description: Normal border Class:border-size-normal
Test Image Image Description: Thick border Class:border-size-thick

Test Image Image Description Border size 1 Class:border-size-1
Test Image Image Description Border size 2 Class:border-size-2
Test Image Image Description Border size 3 Class:border-size-3
Test Image Image Description Border size 4 Class:border-size-4
Test Image Image Description Border size 5 Class:border-size-5
Test Image Image Description Border size 6 Class:border-size-6
Test Image Image Description Border size 7 Class:border-size-7
Test Image Image Description Border size 8 Class:border-size-8
Test Image Image Description Border size 9 Class:border-size-9
Test Image Image Description Border size 10 Class:border-size-10
Test Image Image Description Border size 11 Class:border-size-11
Test Image Image Description Border size 12 Class:border-size-12