
What is ZindaCSS?

ZindaCSS is a utility class based CSS framework, with classes like pad-3, color-blue-6 that allow you to style even the largest websites, without even writing CSS.
Add colors and styles to your elements, all by adding simple classes.

<div class="color-black margin-3 border-solid">TEST</div>

How is this different from other CSS frameworks?

Apart from over a thousand classes to select from, we offer features that make your website/app look alive:

No Excess CSS

Ever faced having a CSS framework with thousands of classes being used, when you only need a few. Not with ZindaCSS. All unused classes are removed and purged out, making your website faster to load.
This is done with the help of PurgeCSS

HTML index.html

CSS index.css


When a group of HTML elements use the same styles, it will be a havoc to manage them. Making even one small change will take a frustratingly long time.
<zindagroup> our solution to this problem. Find out more
<zindagroup id="random" class="color-black bg-blue"></zindagroup> .random{
color: black;


Notice how this page has a brown colored theme. You can do that too.
This allows you to set a consistent look for your page, with similar colors and background colors.
Find out more in the Themes chapter

Custom Values

If any of our thousand classes doesn't satisify your requirements, you can create a custom value.
Example: To give text a color of #964B00:
<div class="color_#964B00"></div>
To find out more check out the custom values chapter


Most CSS frameworks don't offer animations.
Save your time with ZindaCSS, as added a few entry, focus and exit animations to make your website lively.
Skip writing @keyframe and long animation names. Just add one class, and choose from over 15 animations:
<div class="anim-shake">Just one of the many animations we offer</div>

Check out the animations chapter

Support for frameworks

Major frameworks such as React and Vue and supported by ZindaCSS.
Other frameworks are supported, but may have a few limitations