
How ZindaCSS Works?

ZindaCSS starts by you running it and telling us the file you want to style. We find the file and run through its contents. PurgeCSS finds all CSS classes used, and then it looks through our stylesheets and you get a stylesheet with only used classes.

What this means is that only classes that you actually need are in your CSS file. This makes your file much shorter and your website easier to load. No unneccessary classes.

ZindaCSS also allows custom values in your code, so if a class is not predefined you can create your own style for your class. Once again, unneccessary classes are removed.

Also, ZindaCSS checks your file for changes, so as soon as it is changed, we create a new CSS output file immediately. You can keep coding, while ZindaCSS adds the styles during runtime.

Your file is monitored for changes, and ZindaCSS compiles a new stylesheet everytime.

Once your done styling, your website will work without ZindaCSS package. You can run our software, style your page and then later uninstall it if you wish.

Then you can add special selectors, like :hover, which allows you to make a particular class active only when a condition is met.
This is like the pseudo selectors in CSS.

Adding to the features, you can group classes together to create a style that can be used for many components. 1 style is enough for many HTML components.

Check out getting started for details on how to setup ZindaCSS and start styling.