
Borders in ZindaCSS

You can add borders to an element by adding specefic classes to an object. You can find out more about borders in this chapter.

Border types
Border Colors (Previous Page)
Border Sizes

Border type

There are 8 different types of borders

  1. Class: border-normal OR border-solid
  2. Class: border-inset
  3. Class: border-dashed
  4. Class: border-dotted
  5. Class: border-double
  6. Class: border-outset
  7. Class: border-ridge
  8. Class: border-groove

Find out more about border types in reference

Note: It is mandatory to have a border type. Your border will not show up without a border type.

Border Sizes

There are 3 main border sizes:


border-size-medium OR border-size-normal


Additionally, there are twelwe predefined sizes

border-size-(Value from 1 to 12)

You can refer to these border sizes in the reference

Border Rounding

You can add a round border in 5 different levels. This allows the corners of the border to be smoother.
If you want to have a circular image, use the ellipse class, or the round-border-5 class.

Random Image, text or div.

To add a rounded border:
<span class="border-round-Value from 1 to 5"></span>
For example:
<span class="border-round-3"></span>
which gives the result:
Random Image, text or div.

Border Colors
You can find out more about border colors in the previous chapter
This is a reference on the same.