
Getting started with ZindaCSS

Getting started is simple.

  1. Download the package from npm.

    npm install zindacss

  2. Open a new terminal and go to the folder you have your html in.

  3. Type the command:

    Command TODO

  4. Then, you can just add classes to your elements.

  5. Copy the html <link> given in the terminal and paste it in your HTML document.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="Your file name and path.css"/>

    By default, the output CSS's filename is Your HTML file name.css
    To change the name of the output CSS file, add another argument:
    npx zindacss build Your HTML file path Your output CSS file path
    For example:
    Given you have an html file called "test.html" and you want to output CSS to "output_css.css"
    npx zindacss build test.html output_css.css
  6. Note: If your file names contain spaces, please enclose them in double quotes in the terminal / command line
    npx zindacss "an html file name.html" "a css output file.css"

  7. As soon as your save, ZindaCSS compiles a new stylesheet for you.

    No need to run everytime you make changes.

  8. Once your done styling, just press Ctrl + C in the terminal and the program will terminate. And you're done. A new stylesheet will be created in the same folder.

    Your code will now work without ZindaCSS package.