
Animation Properties


The animation by default plays over 2 seconds, has no delay, goes in a linear manner, infinitely.
You can change this using animation properties.

Animation Duration

Change animation duration to any of the following values with the classes(duration in seconds):

Animation Count

Change animation count to any of the following values with the classes:

Animation Delay

Change animation delay to any of the following values with the classes:

Animation Direction

Decide the direction in which animation will go:

  • Forward Class: anim-dir-normal | anim-dir-forward
  • Backward Class: anim-dir-reverse | anim-dir-backward
  • Alternate forward backward Class: anim-dir-forward-backward | anim-dir-alternate
  • Alternate reverse backward forward Class: anim-dir-backward-forward | anim-dir-alternate-reverse

Animation Fill mode

Decide if the animation's effects will stay before and / or after the animation is completed.
Usually, after the animation is completed, the changes made through the animation will not stay. This helps change that.

  • Stay after end Class: anim-stay-end | anim-fill-forwards
  • Stay before Class: anim-stay-start | anim-fill-backwards
  • Stay after and before Class: anim-stay | anim-fill-both
  • None Class: anim-fill-none | anim-dir-alternate-reverse

Animation Speed

At what speed should the animation go:

  • Linear: The same speed throughout: Class: anim-speed-linear | anim-speed-straight
  • Ease: Slow start, fast in middle, slow end: Class: anim-speed-ease | anim-speed-normal
  • Ease in: The starting is slower than the rest: Class: anim-speed-slow-start | anim-speed-ease-in
  • Ease out: The ending is slower than the rest: Class: anim-speed-slow-end | anim-speed-ease-out
  • Ease in out: A slow start and a slow end: Class: anim-speed-slow-start-end | anim-speed-ease-in-out