
Themes in ZindaCSS

In ZindaCSS, you can choose to add themes for your pages. This gives the page a uniform color, background color, that can be used throughout the page.
For example this page has a brown, golden brown and sand brown style theme.
There are many themes you can add: To add a theme, just use the <zindatheme> component. Specify the theme you want as a class:
<zindatheme class="Your Theme"></zindatheme>
For Example
<zindatheme class="default"></zindatheme>
<zindatheme class="light"></zindatheme>
<zindatheme class="dark"></zindatheme>
<zindatheme class="blue"></zindatheme>
<zindatheme class="sky"></zindatheme>

Custom themes

To add a custom theme, simply type the rgb value of your base color in the class (without spaces)
<zindatheme class="rgb(0,0,0)"></zindatheme>
If you type a single colour, like the example above, the text will be of the color you give, and the background color will be it's inverse.
So, the color of the above sample will be rgb(0,0,0) and the background color will be the opposite(255,255,255).

To specify the background color, type it's rgb value after a space:
<zindatheme class="rgb(0,0,0) rgb(200,200,200)"></zindatheme>
Note: When typing rgb colors, do not type with spaces between r, g, and b values.
This is wrong way to type: rgb(0, 0, 0).
Type like this: rgb(0,0,0) :With no spaces after the commas.

If you add the full-page attribute and set it to "true", then, the style will be applied as a background color for the whole page.